Need a small, tactical bag to carry around your every day gear? Look no further! This sling bag has all the pockets and pouches you need to conveniently carry around your daily items. Wear it how you want, configure the strap to be worn over your shoulder or as a backpack.
The design of the bag offers enough pockets and pouches to keep your daily gear organised. Two pouches with hook & loopclosures are ideal to hold older style phones, perfect if you're still in the flip-top era. Or if you've moved on, you could use them to hold multi-tools, pens, or sunglasses. The main compartment features a foul weather flap with draw cord to secure and protect the contents. An additional zipped pocket on the front features yet another pouch on top of that. It doesn't end there, another pouch is located on the side of the bag and two zipped pockets on the top.
This bag is constructed to be comfortable, something you could wear for the entire day. Thick foam padding on the shoulder strap and back of the bag ensures a comfortable load. The top flap features MOLLE straps for additional attachment of equipment. Hook & loopon the front allows you to personalize the bag with badges and emblems. This is a great bag for students or for short day trips.
- Two hook & loopfastened pockets
- Main compartment with foul weather flap
- Front zipped pocket
- Side zipped pouch
- Two top zipped pockets
- MOLLE straps
- Strap and back upholstery
- Re-configurable strap; wear as a shoulder bag or backpack
- Rear D-ring
- Hook & loopfor badge and emblem attachment
- Quick release buckle
- Carabiner on the strap
Main compartment - 15cm L x 10cm W x 19cm H (Approximate)
Hook & looppouches - 4.5cm L x 5.5cm W x 13cm H(Approximate)
Side zipped pouch - 5cm L x 8cm W x 14cm H(Approximate)
Total Capacity:4.5 Litres (Approximate)
Manufacturer: Mil-Tec
Condition:New - Commercial New Product (Non-Military issue). If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our'
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